Sunday, January 27, 2013

Who am I and Why do you care?

So this is the first of many posts I hope to make. I am notorious for being late by many months with blog posts. I hope to do better with this one.

I am an average American who hopes to learn and challenge myself with this blog. I am open minded, and have been accused with being the most nonjudgmental person many people know.
I also work in a school, and so talk to people (and kids) who are of every faith.

I have studied world religions in college (due to a lit major) and while it was not my focus I enjoyed it greatly. I worked for a Christian book store for about a year and have gleaned much from it.

I must say that I look forward to challenging my faith because I think that with out challenge we can never be sure what we believe.

I will try to keep this blog civil and because I am "Christian" this might colour my views, but I hope to compare all religions that run together without my personal views being a part of it.

This will be fun and I hope we can all learn for this and

In the end the purpose for this blog is simply for learning about other religions.

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